More Grocery Store Rants and a couple others


Don’t you just love the way when a customer is pissed off at you, they’ll say your name as if thats supposed to intimidate you?  It doesnt do it for me, I don’t even like my name that much anyways, so no biggie.

Then you have the customer that suddenly doesn’t want their fruit after it touches the belt.  Ok first of all if you don’t want them touching it, that’s why we have plastic bags sitting around the produce area just for that purpose. Second, you know you can just wash the fruit right?

I don’t understand people who buy things just because they’re on sale.  I see it as pointless. Why buy something that you wouldn’t normally buy just because it’s on sale?  I have the same argument with coupons.  I’ll use them but only if its on something i’d normally buy anyways. For example I don’t eat yogurt. Let’s say yogurts cost 25 cents each (yes i know they’re probably more expensive but for arguments sake we’ll call them a quarter each.)  Let’s say you have a coupon for buy 2 get 1 free. I would still not use it because as I don’t even eat yogurt, its useless to me.  And I’d be paying 50 cents for 3 yogurts I won’t even be eating. It just does not make any sense to me.  Speaking of coupons, FYI people, if a coupon says its specific to a certain store, it has to be used there.  Unless it’s Christmas/Thanksgiving, we do not take them if they’re not for our store.

Overheard comment.  Cashier says “I guess the corn doesn’t like me very much”.  Customer: “well at least somebody is willing to admit they don’t like you”  I’m thinking to myself wtf?

On an unrelated to customer service note, after witnessing many temper tantrums and just not finding babies that cute, I have decided that I don’t want to have children.  I don’t exactly find babies ugly but to me they’re just smaller humans.   Not only do I not want to deal with raising a child they are very expensive.  Once the baby is born, even if you’re not using formula (in my store the cheapest i’ve seen is $17), you still have to buy baby clothes, baby food, and diapers/wipes.   Then when they’re older it’s “Mommy I want it!! I want it!”  or “Mommy get this for me NOWWWW!!!!!”  NO thank you.  It will take an amazing guy to convince me otherwise.

Good night everyone and hopefully more rants later.


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